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About Us

Here  at  Aganic, we  believe  in the power of  organic  cosmetics.


Into  each  and  every  bottle,  we  pour  our  incredible  selection  of  pure,  natural  ingredients.  We  add  a  dash of  passion.  A  sprinkle  of  luxury.  And,  of course,  a  few  drops  of  the miraculous  ingredient  which  started  it all. Argan  oil. It  all  began  as  the  brainch ild  of  Ahmed,  our  founder.  Growing  up  in  Morocco,  argan  oil  is  a  way  of  life.  

The fruits  are  plucked  from  the  verdant,  lifegiving  argan  trees  that  thrive  on  the  edge  of  the  desert.  For centuries,  the  local  women  had  pressed  the  little  gems  of  argan  fruit, extracting  the  nourishing  oil.  The Berber  women  of  the  area  used  the  oil  for  its  remarkable  properties,  protecting  the  skin  and  hair  in  the hot  and  arid  climate  of  the  Moroccan  south.  

Word  spread.  And  slowly,  the  Berber  women  became renowned for  their  luxurious black  hair  and  perfect  copper  skin. Little  wonder  the  locals called the  rich amber  oil, ‘liquid  gold.’ Ahmed  heard  these  tales  as  a  boy.  He  saw  the  women  of  his  native  land,  and  the  memories  lodged themselves  deep in  his  mind. Years  later,  the  boy who  learned  of  argan  oil  had  become  a  successful  accountant.  

However,  the possibilities  of  argan  oil  never  left  his  head.  Increasingly  the  world  was  waking  up  to  the  incredible  health benefits  of  this  miraculous  substance.  In  1999,  UNESCO  protected  the  tre e  as  a  keystone  of  the  area;  such is its  importance. But  Ahmed  knew  they  had only  scratched  the  surface.  Argan  oil  could  tame  the  wildest  hair.  

Styling  it  and protecting  it  from  heat.  Applied  daily  and  the  hair  would  gain  a  lustrous  shine  that  would  last  f or  months. But  it  could  also  be  used  for  skin.  Rich  in  vitamin  E  and  essential  fatty  acids,  argan  oil  moisturises  deep between the  pores. For  men, it  could  soothe  the  razor’s damage  after shaving. For  women, it  gave  a  glowing  complexion. For those  not  ble ssed  with  unblemished skin,  it  could  soothe  acne  inflammation.  

The high  content  of  linoleum acid  nourished  and  calmed spots  and  scars  alike.  It  reduced  stretch  marks.  It  healed  dry  and  cracked  heels. Massaged into  skin, it  could  work  wonders. But  such  bene fits  did  not  come  easy  to  the  women  of  Morocco.  

The  fruits  of  the  argan  tree  are  a  hard nut.  Traditionally,  each  must  be  cracked  between  two  rocks.  Nor  are  argan  trees  abundant.  As  with  all blessings, they  are  rare. Nevertheless,  Ahmed  dreamt  of  the  possi bilities.  He  dreamt  of  sharing  the  nourishing  benefits  of  argan oil  with  the  world.  And  so,  he  used  his  mind  of  calculations  and  numbers  and  set  to  work  starting  a  new business,  with  argan  oil  at  its  core. He  named  it  Arganic:  both for  the  oil,  and  for  his and  organic philosophy,  vowing  to  use  only  the  most  natural Today  Arganic  has  fulfilled  that  vision.  Everyone  can  enjoy  the  benefits  of  argan  oil  and  the  dozens  of other  life giving  oils  sourced  for  our  products.  Since  our  early  days, we’ve  expanded  into  clay  powers, scrubs  and  seed oils.  

We’ve  created  rosewater  sprays.  We’re  incredibly  proud  of what  we’ve  achieved  and our remarkable collection  of products. And  we  know  our customers  are  too. But  Ahmed  never  forgot  the  heritage  of  that comes  from  allfirst  ingredient.  As  such,  all  argan  oil  sourced  for  our  products female  cooperatives.  There,  women  from  marginalised  or  disadvantaged  backgrounds  can use  their  entrepreneurial  spirit  to  achieve  financial  freedom  and  independence.  With  their finances, the  families  thrive. The  region  thrives. improved Argan  oil  isn’t  just  a  cosmetic  ingredient.  It  is  the  history  of  a  land  and  its  people.  It  is  their  beauty  and  the rugged, copper  hills  of  Morocco  in a bottle. It  is  life. Here  at  Arganic,  we  b elieve  in  our  product.  We  believe  in  our  sustainable  and  ethical  business  model.  But most  of all,  we  believe  that  argan  oil  can  change  lives. So, explore  our  products.  

Enjoy  their benefits. Ahmed and  the  Aganic family.